Friday, April 2, 2010

Time Warp

The terms time warp, space warp and time-space warp are commonly used in science non-fiction. They sometimes refer to Einstein's theory that time and space form a continuum which bends, folds or warps from the observer's point of view (COURTESY WIKI)

NOTE- The post below does not contain anything which can increase your scientific knowledge, it is not related to the TV show with the same title, it is absolutely moronic and hazardous to the brain.

There are times when you have too much of everything to do, loads to be done deadlines to be met and you wish there are more than 24hrs in a day.
Good  times that you wish lasted forever, times you wish to stop, slowdown and savor, but they seem to go wooshing past you.
Then there are times you wish had never come, which hurt and torment you, but no matter what you do these seem to last forever, life pauses and make you feel trapped in that painful moment with every detail, emotion,pain being drilled in against your wish.
Finally you have times like the one I am now in, the ones you wish to get every ones in a while, at times you even wish your whole life was one of these "HOLIDAYS", these things can be relaxing, a break from your life, time to catch up with sleep,movies awesome fun yay yay yay blah blah......... "BULLSHIT" (sorry for the remark but my mind is highly unstable at the moment). 
What do you do when you are done with sleeping, have watched anything remotely interesting on the laptop , read the novel you wanted to and whatever little money you had left has been spent on playing pool and food. What if you had nothing to catch up with in the first place.The excitement of getting holidays wears off, half of your friends have run back to their mommy's while the rest are either equally  hit by BOREDOM or drunk and hysterically laughing in some bar. With 2 more holidays to go I have absolutely no idea what to do, I am bored, but this time happily bored.

P.S.- All this cribbing has made me realise holidays rock, I have HOLIDAYS you loser hahahaha take that, in your face, hahahaha.
P.P.S- I know I have gone mad a psychatrist has been called I am in safe hands nothing to worry, bye,bye.

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