Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I wished of wearing trousers instead of shorts, using pens instead of pencils and  driving cars and bikes like the grown ups!!, I can remember myself asking my father when I would get to attend school ........

Oh how I would beat up my younger self now for doing and wishing those things. I couldn't wait to grow up drink tea do grown up stuff !! but I now realize I never really grew up not really in the actual sense of the word at least,life seems to have imposed most of the growing. Not that I am a very old man lying on my death bed but looking back 21 years there have been distinct stages where circumstances have demanded sudden and rapid growth ( i mean maturity,mental strength) I see distinctly different versions of myself never really blending into each other they stand wide apart without any transitional phase in between.

Life now has brought me to another such point which demands massive changes or growth as  I have been calling it so far, I can already see myself changing,.metamorphosing into the next version of me. A part of me is sad that the college life and with it the freedom and chill maaroing life I had is coming to an end, but at the same time I think somewhere in me the kid who wanted to grow up drive cars n wear trousers is happy and keenly waiting....welcoming the new me, because if it were not for these changes life would just be a mundane exercise.

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